Welcome to the portfolio of
Aziztitu Murugan
About Me
Full Name Aziztitu Murugan
Preferred Name Azee
Role Software Engineer
Email aziztitu1996@gmail.com
All Web Mobile Desktop Games IoT
language phone_android desktop_windows
Seamless Timecard
Seamless Timecard is an end-to-end solution for employee scheduling and attendance management. I developed apps for Android and Windows that the employees use to clock in and out. I also developed the website with a dashboard that the employer can use to manage the employees.
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language desktop_windows phone_android
Seamless POS
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Android Color Picker Library
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SAU Honors College App
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AZMAP Generator
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Floating Web Browser
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Seamless VNC
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desktop_windows phone_android language
DDNS Updater
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Intrusion Detection System (Demo)
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Chit Chat
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
Lightning Wizard
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
Cash Flow
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
Pecky the Woodpecker
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
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videogame_asset desktop_windows
SAU Cricket Game
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devices_other phone_android desktop_windows
Mini Robot
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devices_other desktop_windows
Iron Man Glove
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Wii PC Remote
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Seamless Timecard

Seamless Timecard is a cloud based employee time tracking & management system. It helps employers to create schedules in minutes, track employee work hours in real-time, and generate the payroll in an instant. It also allows the employees to clock in/out using their fingerprints and apply for leave right from the app. It basically makes employee management a breeze.

  • I started working on this app in my free time in late 2015, and we now have a few clients using our product, and we are planning on expanding the app further soon.
  • I developed the Web App which includes the Product Pages, Employer/Manager Dashboard, Admin Panel and an internal API.
    • Languages Used: PHP, JavaScript (TypeScript), MySQL, HTML, SCSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: Apache, Laravel, npm, Webpack, Materialize, Amazon Lightsail, Git
  • I also developed the Android & Windows apps which are used as Kiosk devices for the employees to clock in/out, apply for leave, apply for time correction, and more.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, JavaFX, DigitalPersona SDK, Git

Seamless POS

Seamless POS is an online Point-of-Sale system that comes with a wide range of built-in features, including a complete stand-alone POS, Back Office Management, Inventory Tracking & Management, Vendor Catalog Management, Lottery Support, Restaurant Support, and Cash Flow Verification. The system is also capable of generating various reports including Daily Transaction, Cash Flow, Shrinkage, Forecast, Inventory, Short/Over, Profit & Loss, and Duplicate Entries.

  • I started working on this app in 2017 when I joined a team of 3 people who were already working on this app for a few years. The app is in testing stage, and should be ready to launch next year.
  • I developed a Browser in C# on top of the CefSharp(Chromium) library, and it is used to launch the entire POS web app, and provides a lot of native functionality to the web app, including communication with POS devices like Weighing Machine, Scanner, etc.. I also developed a Silent Printer in Java that bypasses the default browser print dialog.
    • Languages Used: C#, Java
    • Platforms/Libraries: .Net, WPF, OPOS SDK, CefSharp, JavaFX, Git
  • I also developed an Android app that allows the business owners to view/manage the entire POS system from their phones. It also provides Fingerprint Authentication, and Barcode Scanning capabilities.
    • Languages Used: Java, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, Git
  • I provided some bug fixes and performance boosts in the back end by implementing Asynchronous Requests throughout the web app, and improving the database structure and database queries.
    • Languages Used: Apache, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL


DealOut is a Greek app that shows various offers/deals that are available near the user's location. The user is also able to get a limited number of coupon codes per day. The app is only available in Greece.

  • I worked on DealOut in 2015 as a freelancer.
  • I was in a team of 3 people and I developed the Android app which allows the users to view the deals near them, and get the codes. The app also shows the businesses around the user in a map.
    • Languages Used: Java, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, Google Maps API, Volley, Facebook Login API

Android Color Picker Library

Android Color Picker is an Open Source Library that can be used to show a Photoshop-like Color Picker in any android app with just a few lines of code. It allows the user to select any color by dragging the Saturation/Value box or Hue/Alpha sliders or editing the numbers directly. It also has the option to remember the previously selected color and show the difference while the color is being picked.

  • I wrote this Color Picker Library in 2016 and this was my first Open Source Library.
    • Languages Used: Java, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, BinTray, Git

SAU Honors College App

SAU Honors College App is a simple application that allows the user to discover more about Southern Arkansas University and it's Honors Program in particular. It also includes a Map of the University that displays information about all the locations on campus.

  • I worked on the Android version of this app in 2017 with another team member who developed an iOS version for it. I also developed the AZMAP Generator which converts KML files from Google Maps into AZMAP files which contain custom data including images.
    • Languages Used: Java, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, Google Maps API, Git

AZMAP Generator

AZMAP Generator is a small tool that extracts data from KML files which are exported from Google Maps and adds extra info such as the name, description, rooms, and images of all the locations and exports them all in a single JSON file (with extension .azmap). This JSON file is then imported into other applications to display the data on the map.

  • I developed this tool using JavaFX in 2017 while working on the Honors College App for the University.
  • While working on that app, I needed the map data to include custom data such as building description, room info, and custom images. And hence, I ended up writing this tool to embed additional data to the KML data exported from Google Maps.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: JavaFX, Google Maps, Git

Floating Web Browser

Floating Web Browser is a simple Web Browser built on top of Chromium, which can be minimized into a small floating icon on the screen that can be moved around, and upon clicking, it expands into a complete web browser. The tool is aimed to improve productivity.

  • I developed this app using JavaFX on top of the JCEF (Chromium) library in 2016. The biggest challenge was to get the chromium working with JavaFX (without crashes!).
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: JavaFX, JCEF, Git

Seamless VNC

Seamless VNC is a VNC Client that is integrated with Tight VNC and provides multiple server management. The user can define and store multiple VNC Server configurations and can connect to them as and when needed with just a click. It also adds a few custom features on top of Tight VNC.

  • I developed this tool in 2017 using JavaFX to enable remote desktop management in Seamless POS.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: JavaFX, Tight VNC, Git

DDNS Updater

DDNS Updater is a tool that updates a record of the public ip of the device periodically, which in turn is used to redirect requests to the right ip address on the internet. This is useful for a server which doesn't have a static ip.

  • I worked on this tool in 2017 while working on Seamless POS.
  • I developed Android & Desktop apps using Android SDK & JavaFX which sent the public ip of the device along with a device id periodically to an online server.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS, XML
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, JavaFX, Git
  • I also wrote the backend scripts in PHP to accept the requests from the clients and update the public ip record of each device in the database, and to redirect the requests to the right public ip based on a device id.
    • Languages Used: PHP
    • Platforms/Libraries: Apache, cURL, MySQL

Intrusion Detection System (Demo)

Intrusion Detection System is a security tool which captures all the packets on a given network adapter and looks for any intrusion and reports to the user. The tool also dumps the captured packets to a separate file so it can be reviewed later if needed.

  • I wrote this tool for a College Project in 2017 in Java using the JNetPCap Library.
  • As of now, this tool detects SSL Stripping from well known IPs, but I plan to add more detection features in the future.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: JavaFX, JNetPCap Library, Git

Chit Chat

Chit Chat is a P2P chat application with AES encrypted messages that works on a local network. It also supports group chat.

  • I worked on this app in 2016 to practice my skills on Network Programming.
  • I wrote the application in Java and used Sockets to communicate between devices.
  • I also used AES to encrypt the messages sent from one device to another.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: JavaFX, Git


Malware is a 3D first-person stealth game where the player navigates through a facility, avoiding guards and traps, and hacking into different components trying to steal an important artifact.

  • I started working on this game with 2 other people in the Game Development Club at SAU, and we have continued to work on it since, and it is close to completion.
  • I worked on AI, X-Ray Vision, Outline Shader, Hackable Cameras, Interactive Objects, Post Processing Effects, Traps, Forcefield Shader, Holographic Shader, and Sound Manager.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

Lightning Wizard

Lightning Wizard is a 3D third person action game where the player is a Mage and uses lightning powers to teleport to places and attack enemies. The goal is to destroy the enemies and escape the temple.

  • I worked on this game with 7 other people for 3 days during the Global Game Jam 2018.
  • I worked on AI, Lightning teleportation, and Cameras.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

Cash Flow

Cash Flow is a 2D top down game where the player runs around the city collecting coins and avoiding thieves.

  • I worked on this game with 3 other people in the Game Development Club at SAU.
  • I worked on AI, Level Design, Lighting, and Camera.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

Pecky the Woodpecker

Pecky the Woodpecker is a 2D Mario-styled side-scrolling game where the player is a Woodpecker.

  • I worked on this game with 2 other people during a Game Jam at Bossier in 2017.
  • I worked on Player Controller, AI, Level Design, and Game States.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity


Repulse is a 2D side scroller game where the player uses brain waves and telekinetic abilities to control objects and overcome the obstacles in the way. The goal is to get to the teleportation pad as fast as possible and you WIN.. Watch out for the spikes!!!

  • I worked on this game with 8 other people for 3 days during the Global Game Jam 2017. It was my first ever Game Jam.
  • I was the Lead Programmer for the game, and I worked on Player Mechanics, AI and Environment Interactions.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

SAU Cricket Game

This is a Mini Cricket Game that I created for the Southern Arkansas University. The game offers both Batting and Bowling Game modes, and a complete Cricket Match.

  • I worked on this game in 2017 during the Summer for an elective.
  • I was the only one working on the game, and I was more focused on the Programming Side of the game, and hence the art for the game is unfinished.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

Mini Robot

The Mini Robot can be controlled via a the Mini Robot App on a phone or on a computer. The Mini Robot can also stream live video, play songs/videos, talk in different languages, and more..

  • I created the Mini Robot during my summer vacation in 2017 using an Arduino Board.
  • This was my first time working with Arduino and I found it very challenging.
    • For Battery, I started off with a portable phone battery, but later moved on to a 6V Alkaline Battery for better performance of the motors.
    • For Communication, I used a Bluetooth Module HC-05, but once I placed an old phone on the robot, I wrote a small app that also allowed me to control the robot via WiFi using Sockets.
      • Languages Used: C++
      • Platforms/Libraries: Arduino
  • I placed an old Android phone on the robot, and connected it to the Arduino board. I wrote an app which allowed the phone to stream live video to the user, play different types of media, talk different languages, take pictures, record audio, etc..
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio, LibStreaming,
  • I wrote the Android & Desktop apps which could be used to drive the robot around via Bluetooth/WiFi. The app also displays the live stream from the robot, and has options to perform various actions on the robot.
    • Languages Used: Java, CSS
    • Platforms/Libraries: Android, Android Studio

Iron Man Glove

Iron Man Glove is basically a Glove that has a lot of Motion Sensors attached to it. When the user moves the hand/fingers, the data from the motion sensors is used to detect those movements.

  • I worked on this project in the summer of 2017 after finishing the Mini Robot project.
  • I used an Arduino board and attached a 6-axis motion sensor on each finger segment on the glove.
    • Languages Used: C++
    • Platforms/Libraries: Arduino
  • I wrote a small Simulator in Unity that displays the motion of the hand and each finger segment in real time. I plan to add gesture detection in the future.
    • Languages Used: C#
    • Platforms/Libraries: Unity

Wii PC Remote

Wii PC Remote is a Desktop App that allows the user to control the computer using a Wii Remote.

  • I started working on this app as an experiment in 2015 using Java.
  • I used Bluetooth to receive signals from the Wii Remote, and I decoded those signals to perform various actions such as moving the mouse cursor, emulate mouse clicks, emulate keyboard shortcuts, etc..
    • Languages Used: Java
    • Platforms/Libraries: WiiUseJ Library
Programming Languages
5+ years
4 years
5+ years
3 years
5+ years
4 years
4 years
5+ years
5+ years
web      Web Development
5+ years
     Android Development
5+ years
     Windows Development
5+ years
videogame_asset      Game Development
4 years
devices_other      Internet of Things
2 years
4 years
5+ years
     Vue JS
2 years
     React JS
2 years
3 years
laptop_windows      Windows Presentation Framework (WPF)
2 years
code      JSP
2 years
1 year
5+ years
2 years
5+ years
code      Processing
2 years
code      Arduino
2 years
Contact Me
phone(501) 504 4820
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